Japanese TV anime, “NOIR,” will be produced as a live-action drama directed by Sam Raimi.
“NOIR” is a story about two female assassins who travel together to find answers about their past and embark in many missions while learning about each other and making close bonds with one another. This work was aired back from April 2001 to September 2001 on TV Tokyo. Raimi will partner with Robert G. Tapert, a film producer, to make this drama possible. This is the second time in which they’ve collaborated with one another. They previously worked together to make the TV series, “Spartacus: Gods of the Arena”.
The live-action drama will be officially produced by Starz, an American TV channel. Other staff for this live-action includes Steve Lightfoot, the script writer, and Joshua Donen, a producer. The cast and the number of episodes for this production are yet to be decided.
Before this, Hollywood made less than stellar movies off Japanese animation such as “Dragonball Revolution” and “Akira” so there have been worries within the Japanese community about the outcome of this live-action drama. However, fans hold high expectations on Raimi, as the producer of “Spiderman” series and fan of Japanese animation, should be able to handle such hurdles.
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