Monday, 30 May 2011
"LUNA SEA 3D in LA" Premiere
Today (30 May 2011) "LUNA SEA 3D in LA" Premiere at TOHO Cinema Roppongi Hills, Tokyo
Source MusicJapanPlus
Sunday, 29 May 2011
[PV]UVERworld -- いつか必ず死ぬことを忘れるな & 一石を投じる Tokyo midnight sun
一石を投じる Tokyo midnight sun:
Saturday, 28 May 2011
UVERworld -- Life 6 Sense [2011-06-01]
Reminder that UVERworld new album "Life 6 Sense" releasing on 2011-06-01!!!
Please buy and support bands!!
X-Japan -- Scarlet Love
Theme song for the movie "Tezuka Osamu no Buddha - Akai Sabaku yo! Utsukushiku-"
See trailer for movie, below:
Friday, 27 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
BoA Hollywood Debut
Firstly, Happy 10th Anniversary (30 May)!!
Secondly ~ BoA goes to Hollywood big screen with debut movie "COBU 3D"
BoA plays lead role of South Korean girl living in Japan and aiming to become a top dancer in U.S
Diablo III -- Rune Stones
Diablo 3 released new article on rune stone!!
"Runestones allow you to customize skills by changing the way they look, sound, and how they function.
There are five runestone types: Crimson, Indigo, Obsidian, Golden, and Alabaster. Each runestone affects skills differently. For example, adding a Crimson Runestone to a skill may enhance its damage, while adding an Alabaster Runestone might add a stun effect."
WARNING!!! Deadly Mayday Disease!!!
There is NO cure and NEVER WILL BE one!!!
so...let's all get 五月天病 together!!!
五月天疾病,俗稱五月天病,主要是一組以心理、行為活動上紊亂為主的疾病。目前研 究得到結果主要由家庭、校園、社會環境、傳播媒體,或患者自身的生理遺傳等因素所導致。Source
可能是家人,可能是親戚,可能是朋友,可能是同學、老師、主任、校長…… 等的無意或刻意傳染。
1. 經過有播放五月天歌曲的商店或飲料店等,會因此駐足。
2 以五月天的歌作為鈴聲、鬧鐘。
3. 電腦或手機裡的音樂、相簿約30%是五月天。
4. 聽到有人在談論五月天會偷聽甚至想一起討論。
5. 坐公車或坐捷運時聽到有人的鈴聲用五月天會想偷看他。
6. 看到路人穿著有關五月天的服飾或帶著五月天出品的商品,會叫一起逛街的朋友看還在心裡暗自竊喜想說:嗯!有眼光XD
7. 宣傳時期,整點時會不停轉電視,找尋看了幾次還是想再看的MV。
8. 五月天上的節目不管看幾次都會笑,甚至連笑的點都一樣。
9. 常常在某些狀態下瘋狂的聽五月天。
10. 玩各種測驗遊戲時會打上團員們的名字再取笑他們。
11. 喜歡五月天的朋友、旗下的藝人;對傷害五月天、惡意批評五月天的人反感。
12. 想要去團員們的故鄉,或他們曾去過的地方、拍MV的場景。
13. 看到或聽到團員們的名字雖然其實不是本人但會偷笑。
14. 家裡會擺放與五月天相關的物品,然後每天膜拜。
15. 五月天的歌詞或說過的話總記得比課文牢。
16. 注意五月天的相關報導,若記者所寫屬實且報導優良,會默默的感到驕傲。
17. 錢像飛的一樣莫名奇妙就消失,但感動與滿足也像體重一樣莫名奇妙上升。
18. 為了票瘋狂的喝沙士喝到掛也在所不惜。
19. 把演唱會當人生的休息站,充電、喝水、補充體力,再繼續前進。
20. 將此病毒傳播四方,希望他人能因五月天而感動。
For those that can't read chinese~ I'll try put up translation a bit later (recently VERY overworked T.T)
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
V-ROCK FESTIVAL'11 - Date and Venue Announced!
2011's Visual-kei rock festival is back again this year!!!
Don't know much yet, and venue have been announced!! (*w*) *excited*
Date: Saitama Super Arena
Venue: 23 October 2011
Look forward to it (eventhough I can't go T_T)
Source: MusicJapanPlus
五月天 (Mayday) <就是> 香港演唱會
Mayday in Hong Kong concert!!
For more pictures:
Facebook :Album 1
Facebook: Album 2
I do not take any credit for these photos~ credits go to the various people who took them (Although I do wish that me was there to have taken them!! TmT)
To All my dear vassals,
Your beloved Overlord is back from the dead (Hey, having no internet is pretty much classified as being dead)!!
Well internet finally back-up after 4days of rigorous war with the adsl line provider!!
I will try post everything that I missed out on~soon, so please just bear with me for a little longer
Thank you,
Marshmallow Overlord
Monday, 23 May 2011
Me internet has been down for 3 days already~ and don't know when it'll be back up T.T
currently at friends house attempting to do my work T.T
Will be back up posting soon~hopefully T.T
Please wait for me!!!!
Friday, 20 May 2011
Anime -- 2011 June to August Line-up
Hallo minna-san!! It's the 2011 June to August (I think that makes it the 3rd quarter) anime line-up!! Look like there some potential line-up and movies. Looking forward to a couple of the releases myself! ^^ (especially Basara movie!!) ~hehehe
Source: Moetron
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Alice Nine -- "Prelude to GEMINI" Tour Good
Alice Nine started their new 2011 Spring Tour "Prelude to GEMINI" on 22 April 2011.
Tour Goods for tour are available to overseas fans!!!!
Please visit GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB (Purchases exclusive to members only)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
new FULL METAL ALCHEMIST movie + special comic
Special Comic Present for Movie Goers of New "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" Movie
On July 2nd, the new "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" movie "Mirosu no Seinaru Hoshi" will be released in cinemas all over Japan and a comic-present will be available as a present for the guests.
This comic is titled "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Vol. 11.5 ~ Tabidachi no Mae ni ~" and is meant as a thank you for the viewers of the movie at the theaters. It has been specifically drawn for this occasion by author and mangaka Arakawa Hiromu.
Of course the number of volumes at each movie theater is limited and everyone is advised to go to the movies quickly to get their hands on it. More details will also be released on the official homepage soon.
Movie "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" movie "Mirosu no Seinaru Hoshi"
Release Date: 2011/07/02
Country: Japan
Alice Nine -- Tour postponed
Alice Nine tour postponed due to members catching flu.
Hope everyone gets well soon >.<
Alice Nine --PS Company Official site
Naoさん Official Blog
Shouさん Offcial Blog
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Monday, 9 May 2011
五月天 (Mayday) & F.I.R. @ 中華電信Hami Music
Recently, Taiwan's 中華電信 (Chunghwa Telecom) has announced it's online music store called Hami Muisc, initially targeting Android users.
Various artists where attended the event, such as: 五月天、F.I.R.、周華健、蕭煌奇、林凡 and others.
Hai~ so I finally decided what me is going to do...basically I'll just be posting random stuff on which my life revolves around~ so in other words I'll be posting random stuff on anime, manga, jrock/visual-kei, chinese music or what ever other random stuff =p
I is sincerely hoping that you'll find some interesting stuff in this blog~
Thank you,
Marshmallow Overlord
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Yosh! This is me very first post!! Hrrrm~ don't actually know what to say...
Actually, I is still trying to decide what to do with me blog. Pretty, much all the things I wanted to do are already done by other bloggers (and done very well~might i add)
eto...and-a-so that's about it until I is figuring out exactly what I is feeling like doing~
~Oish! before I forget... HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY as well!!